Field Hockey Basics

Hockey is a recreational sport in which two opposing teams compete in order to score the most goals within the arc. There are several ways to play hockey, including ice hockey, field hockey, indoor hockey, and roller hockey. All forms are played recreationally, but field hockey is one of the most popular professional sports.

Next, we will show some of the basic concepts that we must know about field hockey or also called field hockey.

Within the team

Team: The field hockey team must have a maximum of 16 players (counting substitutes) and only 11 of those 16 players can be on the court at the same time.

Player: It is one of the participants of a team.

Field player: Participant of a team that is not a goalkeeper.

Captain: Responsible for the behavior of all the players on his team.

Archer: Who defends the bow. He is one of the participants of each team in charge of defending the goal; He must always wear a protective helmet, in addition to protections on the legs, feet and arms and hands.

Attacker: Who attacks the team trying to score a goal.

Defender: Who defends so that the ball does not reach the area and prevents the scoring of a goal.

Inside the playing field

Circle:  It is the area that includes the two quarter circles and the dotted lines that join them.

Bottom line : 55 meter line. It is the shortest line on the court, equivalent to its width.

Side lines : They are the longest lines, corresponding to the length of the court and have a length of 91.40 meters.

Goal line: It is the line that is between the posts of each goal.

Ball movements

Play the ball: Stop and move the ball with the stick.

Hit: Hitting the ball with the stick.

Push: You drag the ball with the stick, without hitting it.

Flick:  Push the ball so that it lifts off the ground.

Scooping: Raising the ball through the air, putting the head of the club under the ball and using a lifting motion.

Archery: The action that is executed when trying to score a goal, touching the ball from within the area towards the goal.

Remove: Act used to stop an opponent and regain possession of the ball.

General rules

    1.  The ball must be hit exclusively with the stick, if the ball is hit with any part of the body, it can be seen as an offense.
    2. Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with any part of his body.
    3. The ball must be touched with the flat part of the stick. If the ball is hit with the backside it will be seen as an offense.
    4. The ball cannot be raised above the knee when it is believed that it is in a dangerous position for one of the players.
    5. Goals will only be valid if the player who scores the goal is within the area (area marked with a solid line).
    6. When a foul occurs, the players of the attacking team must respect the allowed distance and position themselves 5 meters from the player who is going to play the ball.
    7.  When serving a foul, the defending player may go out playing the ball or may serve to another player.
    8. An intentional infringement by the defender in the circle against an opponent, who does not have possession of the ball or will be penalized as an infringement, resulting in a short corner.